most of these are common sense, but here are the rules
1. no spamming. It's just annoying to the rest of us
2. no advertizing. again, it just annoys the rest of us swears. I dont think i need to say this
4. be approprite. You dont know how old other people on this forum are
5. no bullying. enough said
6. Dont give out any personal information. I guess you could give out your real name, but i'd suggest not to
7. Have fun. That's why i made this website.
8: respect the beleifs of other members.
Break a rule once you will get a warning
Break a rule twice and you'll be banned for a day
Break a rule three times and you will be banned for a week
The forth time it will be for 2 weeks
If you manage to break the rules a fifth time you will be banned from the forum.
Oh and if me or my other authorities see fit we may skip right to the fith consequnce